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Why Does Aliexpress Change Language

AliExpress Language Change: A Simple Guide

Understanding the Problem:

If your AliExpress app or website suddenly starts displaying in an unfamiliar language, it can be frustrating. This guide aims to provide a quick and easy solution to changing the display language back to English.

Steps to Change Language:

Front Page Method:

1. Navigate to the AliExpress homepage. 2. Locate the "Language" option on the top right corner. 3. Select your preferred language from the drop-down menu.

Account Settings Method:

1. Log in to your AliExpress account. 2. Go to "My AliExpress" and select "Settings." 3. Under the "Preferences" tab, click on "Language." 4. Choose your preferred language and save your changes.


If the language still changes back to an unfamiliar one, it may be due to automatic detection. To resolve this, you can:

  • Disable automatic language detection in your browser settings.
  • Clear your browser's cookies and cache.

Additional Information:

Changing the language on AliExpress affects how cookies are stored and accessed during your browsing sessions. By setting the language to your preferred one, you ensure a seamless and personalized shopping experience.
